24 Nov, 2024
4 mins read

Map Out the New Year

Every New Year’s I review what happened in the previous year and contemplate what I want for the rest of this year. I read that the 3rd week of January is when many people wane on their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do engage in a process of imagining what I want for the upcoming year and map out how I can get there.  When I consider what I want in the New Year, I look at things that are tangible (a new car), or a quality I want to embody (calmness). One method I use is to make a Vision Board, which is an artistic expression of what I want in the New Year. It is a kind of collage …

3 mins read

Understanding Emotional Eating

Most people have eaten for emotional reasons at one time or another. It can be the go to thought when there is stress. I remember many occasions at work when one person would say to colleagues, “I am stressed – who wants to get something with me (meaning something sweet)?” We were all stressed and didn’t know how to handle it except by eating. Eating to manage emotions over a long period of time can end up having some negative consequences. One of the biggest problems with using food to manage emotions is it can lead to weight issues, and with the weight comes many more problems. Eating for emotional reasons is used to quiet any of a number of emotions such as: sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness…

4 mins read

Spring Cleaning: Let it Go!

I have a confession. There are clothes in my closet that I have not worn in many, many years. I look at those items most days and move through to the next article of clothing that I know I will want to wear. I know that having clothing that I do not wear can be an energy drain. The clothing that I do not wear have some things in common:They do not fit comfortably.I do not like the style or I do not think I look good in that particular style.They look old.I know having clothing in my closet that I won’t wear is not good for me. It reminds me of mistakes in buying that I made. It reminds me I wasted …

3 mins read

Balancing Point

At my gym there is this piece of equipment called a Bosu; a large half ball-half round platform that you balance on when you are performing different exercises. You can stand on the ball portion with the flat side down and as you stabilize your feet do exercise such as squats. You have to engage your core, arms, legs, and feet to remain on the ball. This exercise can be tough for me because if I am not centered and balanced, I will fall off.The same occurs in life; when I am not balanced, I fall down (metaphorically). I have found I need to have a list of strategies that get me back in balance as soon as possible. I am challenging myself to come…

2 mins read

Year End Reflections

At the end of every year I like to reflect and consider what has happened during the previous year. I get excited to spend some private time looking at my calendar, my journal and pictures to piece together my take away for the year. Each year’s reflection looks different and this year is no exception. Some years I write long journal entries about the previous year or I reflect in my mind or with a trusted friend about what I saw as the ups and downs of my life. No matter which method I chose I like to end the year considering what worked and what didn’t. This reflection of the previous year can focus on several aspects of my life or a few. Some areas of…

3 mins read

Food Rules

Do you have food rules? You know the ones you tell yourself you need to follow, so you can be “good”. A lot of people I have met have some type of food rule. You may see these food rules as a way to keep yourself from overeating or gaining weight. Food rules are frustrating/ineffective, because they are hard to follow and they do not work over the long term. Some food rules I have heard are:No candy or chocolate in the house. This rule is used to help you not eat sweets, because you have the idea sweets are bad.No eating after 8pm, even if you are hungry.This rule is used to help you not eat in the nighttime for fear of …

3 mins read

Have you lost that lovin’ feeling for you?

February is the month we look to celebrate our love for another person. Often we focus so much on how we show love to someone else, it makes me wonder how loving we are towards ourselves. One of the most popular blogs on my website is one where I ask the reader to consider whether they are too helpful towards others. I think people click on that blog article because they think they are giving too much and they do not have time or energy to take care of themselves.Today, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, focus on showing loving kindness to yourself. Put some of the love you intend to give to another back to yourself. Has it been a long time since you have…

3 mins read

Writing: My Secret Weapon

I am not a writer, per se, but I like to write. I have been on a few writing retreats lead by nationally known author Laura Davis. I learned from her that anyone can be a writer. Writing can be so healing, cathartic and a real way to figure out what is going on inside of me. She has taught me many tools and techniques for writing, which I share in my articles, with my clients, and they have been personally helpful and transformative. One of the first tips she taught me is- write. Just write, no matter how bad it sounds. Get the thoughts and words on the paper, editing is not necessary and is counterproductive in the beginning stages of writing. Here are some ways…

1 min read

Self-Acceptance Step 5: Nurture Your Body

In Self Acceptance Step 4: Get Connected we discussed listening to your body by taking a moment to pause and pay attention to the signals it sends you regarding your true needs. Honor your true needs by taking steps today to nurture your body. Do nice things for yourself such as getting a great haircut, using yummy lotions, having a massage, or learning a new skill. Treating yourself this way shows yourself and others that you are cared for and leads you to experience your body in more positive ways. Care for yourself because you love and accept yourself, not so you’ll love and accept yourself. What are some simple ways you can take care of your body? Comment below or share with us on our Facebook page. …

1 min read

Self-Acceptance Step 6: Live the big, vibrant life you crave today!

Happy Valentine’s Day! What did you do to nurture your body in step 5? I hope these small steps have you led you to the conclusion that you can love the one you’re with! What’s the alternative? If you are unable to accept and love yourself as you are now, it is unlikely that you will ever be satisfied with yourself no matter what changes you make. Consider this: Have you ever seen an old picture of yourself and realized that you really were beautiful but just couldn’t see it at the time? Instead of putting your life on hold until you reach some arbitrary definition of beauty or success, remind yourself that this is your life and you deserve to live it fully. Wear clothes that make …

4 mins read

Mindful Eating is a Skill – Lessons Inspired by Neuroscience

I recently wrote an article about an inspiring talk titled “Well-being is a Skill” by well-known neuroscientist Richard Davidson. In this talk, Davidson summarizes the latest research on what he calls the Four Constituents of Well-being: resilience, positive outlook, attention, and generosity. There were several things about this talk that resonated with me, including the refreshing emphasis on mental, emotional, and spiritual components of well-being instead of just the physical. If you’re interested in neuroscience, mindfulness, or what makes people “well”, this 13-minute talk will be well worth your time. As you might guess from the title, the main point of Davidson’s talk is that well-being is a skill. Or maybe, more accurately, a set of skills. Like all skills, the components…

4 mins read

Cravings are an Invitation

Do you sometimes have cravings that you can’t explain yet feel pulled to give in to? Do you then feel defeated and out of control? What if your cravings are an invitation to come home to yourself? An Unexpected Invite When we have a craving and notice we aren’t hungry, it’s really not about the thing we crave. It is an invitation to explore and to find out what it is that we feel we do not already have: connection, companionship, love, acceptance, choice, freedom, and so on. When we give in to a craving without exploring first, we may miss an opportunity to have what it is we truly desire. (And the only person that can give that to us is ourselves! We can’t receive a …