1 min read

dovewing: Shoutout to all the people out there with misophonia or any other sound sensitivity…


Shoutout to all the people out there with misophonia or any other sound sensitivity problem that involves food

To the people who can’t be with their family’s on holidays because of this

To the people who’s families don’t understand why they can’t eat with the rest of them

To the people who lash out and get angry and to the people who hold it all in so their family doesn’t make fun of them

To the people who are an anxious mess

To the people who will spend more time angry and afraid then having family fun times

Holidays, especially thanksgiving can be an absolute nightmare for us and I want you to know I’m proud of you its really hard I know firsthand

And @ others, if someone asks you to stop chewing loudly or something do not mock them or do it louder. You’ll never know how damaging that can be

(c) Things Bulimics Hate – Read entire story here.